Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Innovate Mound?
Innovate Mound is an initiative to rebuild Mound Road in Macomb County from I-696 north to M-59 with a widening from three to four lanes from 17 Mile Road to M-59. The goal of the project is to create a user-friendly corridor that is safe for motorized vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians incorporating state-of-the-art design and smart technology to create a modern corridor.
Q: Who is managing the project?
Macomb County is leading Innovate Mound in partnership with the City of Sterling Heights and the City of Warren, and in coordination with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), SEMCOG, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Q: What improvements are being considered?
Proposed improvements include: Updated traffic signals and signs, traffic flow improvements, integrated landscaping and aesthetic features, enhanced drainage, unified energy-efficient lighting, iconic signs and features, improved pedestrian crossings, non-motorized multi-use paths, improved transit stops, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and emerging mobility features.
Q: When is the project anticipated to begin and be completed?
Construction began in the summer of 2021 and the estimated completion date is 2024. Leading up to the start of construction, the project team will be soliciting input from the community to ensure that all needs are considered during the project planning and design phase. You can visit the project schedule or the information center on the website for more details
Q: How much will this project cost?
The cost is estimated at $217 million which includes design and construction. This will cover approximately nine miles of road innovations.
How can I learn more about Innovate Mound, give input or become involved in the project?
You can visit the project website at, email us at, or call 1-855-MOUND-4U (668-6348). You can also follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at @InnovateMound.
The Innovate Mound project team hosted public meetings in 2020 and 2021 to share information about the project and hear public input. All comments received were shared with the project’s technical team for consideration and inclusion in the development of the project whenever possible.
Q: Why is this project important?
Rebuilding Mound Road is critical for many reasons most obviously that it is in deteriorating condition. However, instead of simply repaving the road, it benefits the long-term needs of local businesses to have a corridor that matches the level of innovation and technology in the region.
Q: What is the history of Mound Road?
Since its construction in the 1940s, Mound Road has been an asset and vital corridor for our community and the economy. From the production of tanks during World War II to modern-day high-tech research and production, the corridor has served as a major hub for national automotive, defense, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing industries. Mound Road is rich with history and the Innovate Mound project will support the continued legacy of innovation, economic investment, and manufacturing for decades to come.
Q: How important is Mound Road to the local economy?
The Mound Road corridor has a substantial economic impact on the region, state, and country that reaches far beyond Macomb County. More than 47,000 people are employed along the corridor, which supports an additional 71,100 jobs in the County. Another 101,000 jobs in Michigan are supported by the corridor’s business activity. Combined, $8.7 billion in wages and benefits are paid to the more than 118,000 employees in Macomb County.
Q: How can I best plan for traffic delays due to construction?
We are looking forward to providing you with traffic alerts and construction plans to help you navigate congestion as a result of construction. You will find the most recent updates on the Innovate Mound home page.